Anonymous;Code Wiki

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Welcome to the Anonymous;Code Wiki

“The fact that you’ve arrived here — rather, to this save point —
at this moment in your life is nothing short of a miracle. It delights me to no end.
Step through the stage’s curtain; rip off the mask of the wizard who pulls the strings.
Close the loop. Hack into God.”

Welcome to the Anonymous;Code Wiki!
This is the Fandom site for the visual novel Anonymous;Code and all other related media.
This wiki contains major SPOILERS. Please read with caution!

Anonymous;Code Launch Trailer (English)


The latest visual novel from MAGES.

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English Release Announced!

Cracking the Code

English Release Announced!
Cracking the Code

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Anonymous;Code (アノニマス・コード, Anonimasu Kōdo) is a visual novel video game developed by MAGES. and Chiyomaru Studio.
A part of the Science Adventure SeriesAnonymous;Code released on July 28, 2022 in Japan, and on September 8, 2023 world-wide.

Due to an NTP Rollover, a large-scale computational error occurs in the guidance system of several military satellites (including the SA4D; Strategic Attack For Defense). This results in the satellites launching payloads at various important cities on Earth. New York, Shanghai, London, Moscow, and Shinjuku are completely devastated. The total death toll from the incident is 120 million, and a further 500,000 are left injured directly in some manner. Scientists, fearing disaster from an even greater potential computational error in the year 2038, use the supercomputer “GAIA” to run an Earth Simulation. Through use of the Arecibo Message, they manage to insert humans into the simulation as well. Unfortunately the humans within the simulation, fearing a computational error in their year 2038, use their supercomputer “GAIA” to run an Earth Simulation. The original scientists are horrified and begin to question the authenticity of their own existence.

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